The swimming pool … (open) at 10 o’clock and … (close) at 19 o’clock every day. … you … (go) out last night? I don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘rehabilitation’. What … ‘rehabilitation’ … (mean)? We all … (leave) his party at 11 o’clock. In summer Peter usually … (play) tennis twice a week. Yesterday I … (go) to Paris to see a friend of mine. How many languages … you … (speak)? The policeman … (stop) me on my way home last night. We … (invite) them to the party last week but they … (decide) not to come. What time … the shops … (close) in London?

11 Сен 2021 в 19:43
48 +1

The swimming pool opens at 10 o’clock and closes at 19 o’clock every day. Did you go out last night? I don’t understand the meaning of the word ‘rehabilitation’. What does ‘rehabilitation’ mean? We all left his party at 11 o’clock. In summer Peter usually plays tennis twice a week. Yesterday I went to Paris to see a friend of mine. How many languages do you speak? The policeman stopped me on my way home last night. We invited them to the party last week but they decided not to come. What time do the shops close in London?

17 Апр в 11:43
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