Напишите перевод следующих слов и словосочетаний и составьте свои предложения с их использованием (не менее трех предложений)
1. to interrogate
2. to do up the top button of my shirt
3. to use interactive whiteboard
4. the most popular meal
5. in return
6. to sit cross-legged
7. to be tiring -

27 Апр 2019 в 19:48
240 +1


The police officer interrogated the suspect for hours, trying to get more information about the crime.The detective interrogated the witness to gather more evidence for the case.It is important to interrogate all possible sources of information to solve the mystery.

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I need to do up the top button of my shirt, as it's getting a bit cold outside.He always looks so neat and tidy, with his top button done up perfectly.Remember to do up the top button of your shirt before going to the interview.

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The teacher used the interactive whiteboard to engage the students in a fun way.It's much easier to teach with the interactive whiteboard as compared to traditional methods.The students loved using the interactive whiteboard to solve math problems together.

самое популярное блюдо

Pizza is the most popular meal among teenagers in this city.The restaurant's signature burger became the most popular meal on the menu.When in Italy, trying the traditional pasta dishes is a must as they are the most popular meals.


I helped my friend move to a new apartment, and in return, he cooked me a delicious dinner.She promised to take care of my dog while I was away, and in return, I offered to help with her house chores.In return for his hard work and dedication, he was promoted to a higher position in the company.

сидеть скрестив ноги

During the meditation session, we were instructed to sit cross-legged to help us relax and focus.She always sits cross-legged on the floor when reading a book, as it helps her concentrate better.The yoga instructor demonstrated how to sit cross-legged with proper posture to avoid straining the back.

быть утомительным

Working long hours without a break can be tiring both physically and mentally.The hike up the mountain was tiring, but the view from the top was worth it.Organizing a big event can be tiring, but seeing everyone enjoy themselves makes it all worthwhile.
28 Мая в 17:17
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