Надо написать в Утвердительной(убрать частицу to, и где надо дописать окончание s), вопросительной и отрицательной форме
1.They (to spend ) their free time in thi park.
2.Our mother (to cook ) every day for us
3.I(to like) the singing birds
4.People (to call) Rostov-on Don the gateway to the Causaus
4.Helen (to meet) her friends near the University.

23 Апр 2020 в 19:48
161 +1

They spend their free time in this park.
Do they spend their free time in this park?
They don't spend their free time in this park.

Our mother cooks every day for us.
Does our mother cook every day for us?
Our mother doesn't cook every day for us.

I like the singing birds.
Do I like the singing birds?
I don't like the singing birds.

People call Rostov-on-Don the gateway to the Caucasus.
Do people call Rostov-on-Don the gateway to the Caucasus?
People don't call Rostov-on-Don the gateway to the Caucasus.

Helen meets her friends near the University.
Does Helen meet her friends near the University?
Helen doesn't meet her friends near the University.

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