Английский очень нужно III. Learn the Phrasal verb and fill the gaps To do 1. To do away with sth – покончить с чем-то 2. To do out - вычистить, хорошо убрать 3. To do up - застегивать, прихорашиваться 4. To do with - хотеть, нуждаться (часто используется с can) 1. Dan never did … his jacket, even in winter. 2. What are you so busy with? – I’m doing …the house for my birthday party. 3. Would you like something to eat? – No,thanks. I’m not hungry. I could do …a glass of juice. 4. We’re eating out tonight, and I think you should do yourself… 5. It won’t be easy to do…..with this bad habit. 6. Could you do the dress…for me, please? I can’t reach the buttons 7. Are you tired? – Oh, yes. I can do … a good night sleep. 8. Before you leave the kitchen do it …., Cinderella