Speak know go need want drink love be move smoke wear sell have get up serve Ex. 1. She is Japanese. She doesn’t speak French. 1. I ______________ any dinner because I am not hungry. 2. Jerry and Beth are strangers. They _________________ each other. 3. We ________________ to school on the weekend. 4. Mrs. Smith wants a divorce. She ______________ her husband anymore. 5. Turtles ___________________ quickly. 6. Children _________________ coffee. 7. You _______________ jeans to a wedding. 8. Poor people ________________ a lot of money. 9. It’s warm today. You ________________ to wear a coat. 10. Jessica is very healthy. She __________________ cigarettes. 11. The students are from China. They _________________ English. 12. The shoe store _____________ hats. 13. That restaurant ________________ breakfast. 14. The children ______________ early on the weekend.