Translate the words from Russian into English: CBP officers изъяли an enormous партию of поддельные sunglasses. The merchandise violated закон о торговой марке. The importer задекларировал the container’s shipment as sunglasses with a стоимость of about $30,000; however, when officers досмотрели the shipment they обнаружили sunglasses with designer brands affixed to the shades. Import specialists collected образцы of the sunglasses and подтвердили that the shipment included confusingly similar but поддельные sunglasses. If theтовар had been authentic products проданный by the владелец торговой марки, the estimated розничная цена would be $2.3 million. CBP officers are actively контролируют соблюдение trade laws and защищают legitimate business and потребители from правонарушений в области авторского права. “When we находим such products, we seize the shipment and налагаем штраф.
CBP officers seized an enormous batch of counterfeit sunglasses. The merchandise violated trademark law. The importer declared the container's shipment as sunglasses with a value of about $30,000; however, when officers inspected the shipment, they found sunglasses with designer brands affixed to the shades. Import specialists collected samples of the sunglasses and confirmed that the shipment included confusingly similar but counterfeit sunglasses. If the goods had been authentic products sold by the trademark owner, the estimated retail price would be $2.3 million. CBP officers are actively monitoring compliance with trade laws and protecting legitimate businesses and consumers from copyright infringements. "When we find such products, we seize the shipment and impose a fine."
CBP officers seized an enormous batch of counterfeit sunglasses. The merchandise violated trademark law. The importer declared the container's shipment as sunglasses with a value of about $30,000; however, when officers inspected the shipment, they found sunglasses with designer brands affixed to the shades. Import specialists collected samples of the sunglasses and confirmed that the shipment included confusingly similar but counterfeit sunglasses. If the goods had been authentic products sold by the trademark owner, the estimated retail price would be $2.3 million. CBP officers are actively monitoring compliance with trade laws and protecting legitimate businesses and consumers from copyright infringements. "When we find such products, we seize the shipment and impose a fine."