Для знатаков английского языка Exercise 1
Comment on the different types of sound transitions in English
CV: key, port, talk, time, calm, turn, cat, pen
VC: button, letter, happy, worry, money, body, coming, syllable
CC: act, checked, begged, kicked, liked, meet Tom
VV: my apple, he is, there is, we always, the actress, she asks
Think of your own examples and compare them with the corresponding types of transitions in your mother tongu
Transcribe the following English words and underline the transcription symbol which corresponds to each syllabic sound in the words: Candle, sand, sadden, can’t, don’t, listen, here, fire, our, needn’t, floor
Exercise 2.
Transcribe the following words, show the point of syllable division in each of them by putting a bar between the syllables (table [tei/bl]
Ready, nature, natural, picture, finish, many, pity, pupil, study, discover, story.

4 Сен 2020 в 19:43
343 +1

Exercise 1.

In English, there are different types of sound transitions in words.

CV: key, port, talk, time, calm, turn, cat, pen
VC: button, letter, happy, worry, money, body, coming, syllable
CC: act, checked, begged, kicked, liked, meet Tom
VV: my apple, he is, there is, we always, the actress, she asks.

In my mother tongue, there are also similar types of sound transitions, but they may be represented differently. For example, in Russian
CV: лава (lava), без (without), замок (castle)
VC: топить (to drown), сырой (raw), купили (bought)
CC: сделать (to do), прочтем (let's read), сжечь (to burn)
VV: она идет (she is going), я спросил (I asked).

Transcription of English words
Candle [ˈkændl], sand [sænd], sadden [ˈsædən], can’t [kænt], don’t [doʊnt], listen [ˈlɪsən], here [hɪr], fire [faɪər], our [aʊər], needn’t [ˈnidnt], floor [flɔr].

Exercise 2.

Ready [ˈrɛ.di], na-ture [ˈneɪ.tʃər], na-tur-al [ˈnætʃ.ər.əl], pic-ture [ˈpɪk.tʃər], fin-ish [ˈfɪn.ɪʃ], ma-ny [ˈmɛ.ni], pi-ty [ˈpɪ.ti], pu-pil [ˈpjuːpl], stu-dy [ˈstʌ.di], dis-co-ver [dɪˈskʌv.ər], sto-ry [ˈstɔ.ri].

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