Поставьте текст в паст симпал One day I went camping with my friends in the woods. We came, wandered through the woods and pitched a tent near the lake we found. Soon it was dark. We refreshed ourselves in the lake and went to bed. Early in the morning I was awakened by the loud singing of birds. I got out of the tent. I had the most beautiful view. The sun was rising in a blue sky with white clouds. Oh, my God, how beautiful it was! I sat down on the grass and watched the dawn. Soon my friends woke up and we plunged once again went home. I will never forget the sight I saw.

7 Сен 2020 в 19:43
192 +1

One day, my friends and I went camping in the woods. We arrived, explored the area, and set up our tent by the lake we discovered. As night fell, we took a refreshing swim in the lake before retiring to our tent for the night.

The next morning, I was awoken by the cheerful chirping of birds. I emerged from the tent to witness the most magnificent sight. The sun was rising in a clear blue sky, dotted with fluffy white clouds. It was a truly breathtaking moment. I sat on the grass, mesmerized by the beauty of the sunrise.

As my friends awoke, we packed up our belongings and headed back home, filled with memories of that unforgettable morning. The image of the sunrise will forever be etched in my mind, a reminder of the beauty that nature has to offer.

18 Апр в 10:35
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