Вместо прочерка поставьте соответствующий префикс. 1.He was accused of using "fighting words", which ____flamed his audience and resulted in ____order. But his lawyer was sure that the trial judge's decision was ____proper. 2. Known as Saint Nicholas in Germany, Santa Claus was usually accom¬panied by Black Peter, an elf, who punished ____obedient children. 3. Unemployment and costs have risen to ____acceptable levels. 4. If he has his opinions on a subject, he is ____movable. 5. She headed back home and left her mission ____accomplished. 6. She is a rather ____trustful person to strangers. 7. It was an ____mistakable step of his: he had won. 8. It was ____rational to react in that manner. 9. Division by 0 is not defined and therefore is an ____admissible operation. 10. It is ____legal to drive while intoxicated. 11. It was ____modest of them to say that. 12. He had made progress that was previously ____achievable. 13. It would be ____accurate to say that she has been dismissed. 14. They liked to read about demons, ghosts, witches, and other ____material and ____natural agents. 15. I won't take it. Your data are ____matched. 16. These ____mapped deposits made him a wealthy person. 17. He felt a growing ____satisfaction with himself and his position. 18. It is a ____alcoholic drink, you can give it to Pete. 19. You were ____attentive at the lecture, that's why you didn't understand anything. 20. The Great Himalayan region is one of the few remaining isolated and ____accessible areas in the world today.