William Tell looked at his dear son and the boy looked back af his father. He was not afraid because he knew his father was the best shot in the land. William Tell fired and the arrow flew through the air. It hit the apple exactly in the middlel Everyone in the square cheered. Then Gessler saw another arrow in William Tell's hand. "What is the other arrow for? he asked. William Tell looked the evil man in the eye and said, This arrow was for you if anything happened to my son! According to legend, some time later William Tell finally managed to shoot Gessler and set his country free.6)Why did Willam Tel have a second arrow in his hand?. осы 6 ға жауап пж

28 Окт 2020 в 19:42
248 +1

"If the first arrow had killed my son, I would have shot the second at you, and I would not have missed."

Tell was promptly detained and deported by boat, bound for a dungeon in a neighboring castle. He escaped, galvanized others in an uprising and the rest is a proud part of Swiss history.

Unfortunately, many scholars doubt that Tell was actually a real person. There's no evidence that he ever existed or that anyone in Uri shot an arrow off a child's head. More likely, the tale is amalgamation of events real and imagined.

While the uprising against Austria is steeped in reality, the addition of Tell's daring feat probably comes from a remarkably similar story originating in 18th-century Denmark. In it, a Viking chief boasting of his marksmanship to a king, who promptly ordered the Viking to prove it. The king placed an apple on the Viking man's son and ordered the Viking to shoot it off his head with a single arrow. The Viking did so, and when asked why he had another arrow in his vest, replied, "To kill you, sire, had I killed my son"

30 Окт 2020 в 05:38
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