Na?5e and check yourina doing?s with theue. Then listene.1.34 Complete the mini-dialogue with thekey phrases. Listen and check. Then practisethe mini-dialogue.Sal Hello.deBen Hi, Sal. BenSal Hi, there!?__ at the moment?Ben I'm at the skateboard park with Tom.We're practisingSal Really? ' _ a good time? Are you howBen Yeah. It's fun. We can meet later"____Sal OK. S_ a call.Ben Sure. Bye for now.1 Read the1 Whichhabitaproble2 Do orc3 What4 How c5 Why aIn the phonee?ant.moment?6 ACTIVATE Work in pairs. Prepare a newdialogue using the dialogue in exercise 5 as amodel. Change the words in blue. Use ideasfrom the box or your own ideas. Practise theLanguage2 Match sesentence1 Orcasnew dialogue2 They'r
e just playingvideo games.3 What areyoudoing at themoment?4 Howaboutwe grab a bite to eat later?5 Why don'twe meet up at the park?6 What areyour plans for the weekend?
e just playingvideo games.3 What areyoudoing at themoment?4 Howaboutwe grab a bite to eat later?5 Why don'twe meet up at the park?6 What areyour plans for the weekend?