Use the phrasal verbs look, drop, turn, find, check, work, grow, spring to fill in the gaps. 1. If you follow the nutritionist’s advice you will … into a slim lady within a month. 2. You may … in any time when nearby. We’ll be glad to see you. 3. … into the case more thoroughly and you’ll find a lot of new details. 4. Can you call them and … out the time of our meeting? 5. You should … more carefully after you baby, it is still very small. 6. We live in the time when new technologies are bound to … up. 7. Will you … up the prescription from the chemist’s on your way home? 8. You are so tall and may easily … out what is there on the fridge. I cannot see it from here. 9. The number of cars used in the city will definitely … up in a few years. 10. If George thinks properly he will … out the solution of his problem by evening.