10. Ann had to cross … Atlantic Ocean to get from … Europe to … Argentine. 11. Many rare and unusual animals live in … Australia. 12. … Mont Blanc is the mountain in … Europe between … France and … Italy. 13. Nowadays some people prefer to spend winter in such hot countries as … Thailand. 14. … Great Lakes consist of several lakes connected with each other: … Lake Superior, … Lake Michigan, … Lake Ontario, … Lake Huron and … Lake Erie. 15. … Urals are very old mountains and are famous for their mineral resources. Вставьте артикли the.

19 Дек 2020 в 19:40
133 +1
Ann had to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get from Europe to Argentina. Many rare and unusual animals live in Australia. Mont Blanc is the mountain in Europe between France and Italy. Nowadays some people prefer to spend winter in such hot countries as Thailand. The Great Lakes consist of several lakes connected with each other: Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron and Lake Erie. The Urals are very old mountains and are famous for their mineral resources.
17 Апр в 21:29
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