Fill in the prepositions.Заполните предлоги. 1.Getting … the low points of teaching, along… an undying passion for teaching, to keep the classroom environment balanced and …order, …slow learners … behavioral challenges, … top of that, to keep their cool… many different kinds of pressure, … instance, you may be asked to teach …limited resources, to draw … from your creative side, to make decisions outside the norm… the best interest of your students, unexpected turns can happen…any time, remain flexible to deal…change, to have an alternative plan… rainy days, to stand up… your beliefs, to gain respect…. your colleagues, parents and students.

31 Мар 2021 в 19:54
91 +1

1.Getting through the low points of teaching, along with an undying passion for teaching, to keep the classroom environment balanced and in order, with slow learners and behavioral challenges, on top of that, to keep their cool under many different kinds of pressure, for instance, you may be asked to teach with limited resources, to draw upon from your creative side, to make decisions outside the norm in the best interest of your students, unexpected turns can happen at any time, remain flexible to deal with change, to have an alternative plan for rainy days, to stand up for your beliefs, to gain respect from your colleagues, parents and students.

17 Апр в 19:49
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