FUTURE TENSES I. Insert the most suitable tense and translate the sentences into Russian (20 points): 1. His parents think he...... (to become) an artist one day
2. He. (to leave) for Amsterdam in an hour.
3. (to open) the door for me?
4. This time next week, I.. (to ski) in Austria. (to finish) their meeting by four o'clock this afternoon. 5. They 6 By 3o'clock, she .. (to study) for six hours.
7. When we go to Paris, we (climb) the Eiffel Tower.
8. We're too late to catch the bus. It (to go) by now. .
10. Julia (to find) the note I left for her by no
Раскрыть скобки и употребить в будущем времен

I. Correct the mistakes and translate the sentences into Russian (20 points):
1. This time tomorrow, John is lying on the beach.
2. Peter will help you when he will have finish his dinner.
3. Shall you do the shopping for me, please?
4. Sarah will finish decorating the Christmas tree by midnight.
5. The film has started at half past six.
6. Perhaps the Jacksons have visited us tonight.
7. Jennifer will move to her flat on Saturday. She has already arranged it.
8. I was turning on the heating. It's cold in here. 9. Where do you spend your holidays this summer?
10. Stop making that noise or I'm going to take your toy away
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6 Мая 2019 в 19:52
221 +1

His parents think he will become an artist one day - Его родители думают, что он станет художником однажды

He is leaving for Amsterdam in an hour - Он уезжает в Амстердам через час

Will you open the door for me? - Ты откроешь мне дверь?

This time next week, I will be skiing in Austria - На этот же день следующей недели я буду кататься на лыжах в Австрии

They will finish their meeting by four o'clock this afternoon - Они закончат свою встречу к четырем часам этим днём

By 3 o'clock, she will have been studying for six hours - К трем часам, она будет учиться шесть часов

When we go to Paris, we will climb the Eiffel Tower - Когда мы поедем в Париж, мы заберёмся на Эйфелеву башню

We're too late to catch the bus. It has gone by now - Мы опоздали на автобус. Он уже ушёл

Julia will have found the note I left for her by now - Джулия уже найдет записку, которую я оставил ей

This time tomorrow, John will be lying on the beach - Завтра в это время, Джон будет лежать на пляже

Peter will help you when he finishes his dinner - Питер поможет тебе, когда он закончит ужинать

Will you do the shopping for me, please? - Ты сделаешь мне покупку, пожалуйста?

Sarah will finish decorating the Christmas tree by midnight - Сара закончит украшать рождественскую елку к полуночи

The film started at half past six - Фильм начался в половине седьмого

Perhaps the Jacksons will visit us tonight - Возможно, семья Джэксонов навестит нас сегодня вечером

Jennifer will move to her flat on Saturday. She has already arranged it - Дженнифер переедет в свою квартиру в субботу. Она уже всё организовала

I am turning on the heating. It's cold in here - Я включаю отопление. Здесь холодно

Where will you spend your holidays this summer? - Где ты проведешь каникулы этим летом?

Stop making that noise or I will take your toy away - Перестань шуметь, иначе я заберу твою игрушку

28 Мая в 16:46
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