1. I usually … a bus to the university. a) take b) have c) go 2. Let`s … to a jazz concert tonight. a) go b) visit c) spend time 3. Did you … the new exhibition at the gallery? a) see b) watch c) look 4. We want to go … and see all the places of interest in this town. a) camping b) hiking c) sightseeing 5. We had … at the small cafe in the morning. a) dinner b) high tea c) lunch 6. Are we … on holiday this year? a) coming b) going c) seeing 7. When are you … your friend for lunch? a) meeting b) spending c) enjoying 8. I want to … my English, so I attend classes each Friday. a) make up b) develop c) improve 9. A friend is coming to … with me next weekend. a) stay b) stand c) spend 10. I love … with my friends Kate and Sheila – we often go to the cinema or to the theatre. a) visiting b) going away c) going out 11. I`d like to … a snack. Let`s stop at McDrive. a) have b) be c) get 12. There is a jazz … at the Garland Pub on Saturday night. a) show b) concert c) play

20 Мая 2021 в 19:48
106 +1
a) takea) goa) seec) sightseeingc) lunchb) goinga) meetingc) improvea) stayc) going outa) haveb) concert
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