5.Употребите артикли, где это необходимо:1) ... Red Square and . . . Kremlin are ... heart of ... capital.2) ... London was founded in ... 1 st century B.C. by ... Julius Caesar.3) ... Johnsons are our next-door neighbours.4) Beyond lay ... Smoky Mountains.5) We crossed . . . historic Delaware River at ... Trenton.6) He arrived in ... New York on ... very rainy day.7) ... Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist.8) I'm reading . . . Agatha Christie at ... moment.9) ... Lady Diana's wedding dress was very beautiful.10) ... Ryan gave . . . Sunday Tribune to his father.11) ... fish is more useful than . . . meat.12) He read . . . story from . . . beginning to ... end.13) Don't drink ... milk, it is very cold.14) ... man can't live without . . . air.15) He married her not for ... love but for ... money.

1 Июн 2021 в 19:44
65 +1

1) The Red Square and the Kremlin are the heart of the capital
2) London was founded in the 1st century B.C. by Julius Caesar
3) The Johnsons are our next-door neighbors
4) Beyond lay the Smoky Mountains
5) We crossed the historic Delaware River at Trenton
6) He arrived in New York on a very rainy day
7) Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist
8) I'm reading an Agatha Christie at the moment
9) Lady Diana's wedding dress was very beautiful
10) Ryan gave the Sunday Tribune to his father
11) Fish is more useful than meat
12) He read a story from the beginning to the end
13) Don't drink the milk, it is very cold
14) Man can't live without air
15) He married her not for love but for money.

17 Апр в 17:36
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