Перевести на английский: Дэвид Брауэр американский защитник дикой природы, эколог, основатель нескольких экологических организаций, в том числе Friends of the Earth , League of Conservation Voters , North Cascades Conservation Council и Earth Conferences . Brower was born in Berkeley, California in 1912. Во многом благодаря его усилиям в 1964 году был принят Закон о дикой природе. Дэвид Брауэр автор и составитель многих книг по охране дикой природы, организатор первых американских конференций по охране дикой природы, сыгравших важную роль в развитии идеологии охраны дикой природы. Принимал участие в создании десятка национальных парков США, добился отмены строительства дамб в национальном парке Гранд-Каньон и Национальном памятнике «Динозавры» (Колорадо). Дэвид Брауэр считал, что охрана дикой природы — это своего рода религия, этика по отношению к Земле.
David Brower was an American wilderness defender, ecologist, and founder of several environmental organizations, including Friends of the Earth, League of Conservation Voters, North Cascades Conservation Council, and Earth Conferences. Brower was born in Berkeley, California in 1912. Thanks in large part to his efforts, the Wilderness Act was passed in 1964. David Brower was the author and editor of many books on wilderness preservation, organizer of the first American wilderness conferences, which played a significant role in the development of wilderness preservation ideology. He participated in the creation of a dozen national parks in the United States, successfully campaigned against the construction of dams in the Grand Canyon National Park and the Dinosaur National Monument (Colorado). David Brower believed that wilderness preservation was a kind of religion, an ethic towards the Earth.
David Brower was an American wilderness defender, ecologist, and founder of several environmental organizations, including Friends of the Earth, League of Conservation Voters, North Cascades Conservation Council, and Earth Conferences. Brower was born in Berkeley, California in 1912. Thanks in large part to his efforts, the Wilderness Act was passed in 1964. David Brower was the author and editor of many books on wilderness preservation, organizer of the first American wilderness conferences, which played a significant role in the development of wilderness preservation ideology. He participated in the creation of a dozen national parks in the United States, successfully campaigned against the construction of dams in the Grand Canyon National Park and the Dinosaur National Monument (Colorado). David Brower believed that wilderness preservation was a kind of religion, an ethic towards the Earth.