. Заполните пропуски артиклями a, an, the, где это необходимо: 1) … … .river Thames is … … .deepest in … … .Great Britain. 2) They have … … .collection of post stamps in … … .London. 3) … … .Neva is not … … .long river. 4) … … .Hague is … … .political center. 5) She has … … .son and … … .daughter, … … .children don’t go to … … .school. 6) … … .Europe is … … .most densely populated continent in … … .world. 7) There is much unemployment in … … .South Africa. 8) … … .Gulf Stream carries … … .large body of … … .warm water … … .northwards. 9) There is … … .book for you on … … .table, which has been brought by … … .student.

4 Июн 2021 в 19:43
50 +1

1) The river Thames is the deepest in Great Britain.
2) They have a collection of post stamps in London.
3) The Neva is not a long river.
4) The Hague is a political center.
5) She has a son and a daughter, the children don’t go to school.
6) Europe is the most densely populated continent in the world.
7) There is much unemployment in South Africa.
8) The Gulf Stream carries a large body of warm water northwards.
9) There is a book for you on the table, which has been brought by a student.

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