1. Mr. Hall illustrates the materials ....his lectures … diagrams and other colourful visuals. 2. You can easily find many technical journals ... this issue … our University library. 3. Most ....automobile carburetor engines used today operate mainly … gasoline. 4. Weather is the effect … four forces, so we have it different ... summer and ... winter. 5. This field of knowledge is very interesting because it deals … computer- aided design. 6. Our planet, the Earth, belongs … our children, so one should take good care ... its soil .... the future.

7 Июн 2021 в 19:45
68 +1
Mr. Hall illustrates the materials in his lectures with diagrams and other colourful visuals.You can easily find many technical journals on this issue at our University library.Most automobile engines used today operate mainly on gasoline.Weather is the effect of four forces, so we have it different in summer and in winter.This field of knowledge is very interesting because it deals with computer-aided design.Our planet, the Earth, belongs to our children, so one should take good care of its soil for the future.
17 Апр в 17:03
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