Задание № 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими неопределенными местоимениями. 1. There are not … modern conveniences in their house. 2. There is … clean water in the bottle. 3. No letters again! … has written to me for a month. 4. The young engineer had … experience in such work. Задание № 2. Выберите прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения. 1. Sweden is the fifth (large, larger, largest) country in Europe. 2. In the past we needed (little, less, the least) mathematics than today. 3. You look much (good, better, the best) today. 4. Who is that boy in the (far, further, furthest) corner of the room? Задание № 3. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. 1. Her hair (is, are, were) long, black and beautiful. 2. We (are, were, will be) at the Zoo last Sunday. 3. They (is, are, were) busy now. 4. I think the audience (is, was, will be) good tomorrow.

21 Июн 2021 в 19:40
89 +1

Задание № 1.

There are not any modern conveniences in their house.There is some clean water in the bottle.No letters again! Nobody has written to me for a month.The young engineer had little experience in such work.

Задание № 2.

Sweden is the fifth largest country in Europe.In the past we needed less mathematics than today.You look much better today.Who is that boy in the furthest corner of the room?

Задание № 3.

Her hair is long, black and beautiful.We were at the Zoo last Sunday.They are busy now.I think the audience will be good tomorrow.
17 Апр в 16:02
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