Вставить вместо точек предлогиThe guarantee period which the company offered … their com- puters was 12 months … the date …putting them … operation and 15 months … the date … delivery. The Buyer found it rather short and wanted it to be extended … two and four months respectively. But the company agreed to extend it only … 13 and 17 months.As the Seller was responsible … the defects which were found … the equipment, they had to correct them … their expense.

25 Июн 2021 в 19:42
68 +1

The guarantee period which the company offered for their computers was 12 months from the date of putting them into operation and 15 months from the date of delivery. The Buyer found it rather short and wanted it to be extended by two and four months respectively. But the company agreed to extend it only by 13 and 17 months. As the Seller was responsible for the defects which were found in the equipment, they had to correct them at their expense.

17 Апр в 15:43
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