Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect? My brother writes that he … just … back from London. a) has … came; b) has … come; c) had … come When Charlie … painting he decided to show his pictures to the father. a) Will finish; b) had finished; c) has finished 3. By half past seven they … supper yet. a) hasn’t have; b) will not had; c) will not have had 4. I promise that by the end of the day I … my homework. a) will have done; b) had done; c) has do 5. wait, I’ll go and see if she … out. a) will have gone; b) has gone; c) has go 6. … you ever … any tropical fruit? a) Have … taste; b) Will have … tasted; c) Have … tasted

7 Июл 2021 в 19:46
94 +1

a) has … come (Present Perfect
b) had finished (Past Perfect
c) will not have had (Future Perfect
a) will have done (Future Perfect
b) has gone (Present Perfect
a) Have … tasted (Present Perfect)

17 Апр в 14:56
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