Take turns to ask and answer the questions. Дайте ответы на вопросы на английском. 1. Why was visiting the doctor in the past a very painful experienct? 2. How did doctors treat their patients? 3. When were germs discovered? 4. Which kind of medicines did people use before the discovery of penicillin? 5.What happened when people had a toothache? 6. When were the first dlasses invented?

17 Июл 2021 в 19:40
89 +1
Visiting the doctor in the past was a very painful experience because there was no anesthesia available to numb the pain during medical procedures.Doctors treated their patients using various methods such as bloodletting, herbal remedies, and surgical procedures.Germs were discovered in the 17th century by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist.Before the discovery of penicillin, people used natural remedies such as herbs, poultices, and tonics to treat illnesses.When people had a toothache in the past, they would often have the tooth pulled out by a barber-surgeon.The first glasses were invented in the 13th century in Italy by Salvino degli Armati.
17 Апр в 14:27
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