Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.!!! (Заполните пропуски предлогами в случае необходимости.)!!! 1. He is a student … the Pedagogical University. 2. … last year I entered … the faculty … psychology. 3. He goes … the University every day. 4. My sister got interested … chemistry … the age … 16. 5. How long does the course … engineers last … your University? 6. We passed our examination … philosophy … the 12th … January. 7. How do you prepare … the next day classes? 8. D.I. Mendeleyev graduated … the institute in 1854. 9. My friend is good … mathematics. 10. Some students take part ... cultural activities. 11. The hostels are not far ... the University. 12. ... the end ... the course ... study we’ll take our final exams.

15 Авг 2021 в 19:43
106 +1
He is a student at the Pedagogical University.Last year I entered the faculty of psychology.He goes to the University every day.My sister got interested in chemistry at the age of 16.How long does the course for engineers last at your University?We passed our examination in philosophy on the 12th of January.How do you prepare for the next day classes?D.I. Mendeleyev graduated from the institute in 1854.My friend is good at mathematics.Some students take part in cultural activities.The hostels are not far from the University.At the end of the course of study we’ll take our final exams.
17 Апр в 13:22
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