Make up new words using the words below and translate them into Russian. Образец: a plan-to plan. A plant-? A hunt-? A farm-? A smile-? A name-? A visit-? An end-? A centre-? An attack-? A map-?
A plant- a place where plants are grown. Russian: Растение- растение A hunt- a search for something. Russian: Охота- охота A farm- a place where crops or animals are raised. Russian: Ферма- ферма A smile- a facial expression showing happiness. Russian: Улыбка- улыбка A name- a word or phrase used to identify a person or thing. Russian: Имя- имя A visit- a trip or journey to a place. Russian: Посещение- посещение An end- the final part of something. Russian: Конец- конец A centre- a central point or place. Russian: Центр- центр An attack- a hostile action against someone or something. Russian: Атака- атака A map- a visual representation of an area. Russian: Карта- карта
A plant- a place where plants are grown. Russian: Растение- растение
A hunt- a search for something. Russian: Охота- охота
A farm- a place where crops or animals are raised. Russian: Ферма- ферма
A smile- a facial expression showing happiness. Russian: Улыбка- улыбка
A name- a word or phrase used to identify a person or thing. Russian: Имя- имя
A visit- a trip or journey to a place. Russian: Посещение- посещение
An end- the final part of something. Russian: Конец- конец
A centre- a central point or place. Russian: Центр- центр
An attack- a hostile action against someone or something. Russian: Атака- атака
A map- a visual representation of an area. Russian: Карта- карта