Упр. 18. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. She is eating ... apple. ... apple is ripe. 2. I do not go to ... school on ... Sunday. 3. This woman is ... typist. She works at ... office.. ... office is not far from her ... house. 4. His father is ... engineer. He works at ... plant. 5. Where is ... table? — It is in ... corner of ... room, near ... window. 6. Are there any ... flowers in ... vase? 7. She lives on ... fifth floor. 8. Where is ... cheese? — ... cheese is on ... plate. 9. There are ... plates and ... cups on ... tea-table. 10. Is there ... tea-pot on ... table? Is there... tea in ... tea-pot?

25 Сен 2021 в 19:46
49 +1
She is eating an apple. The apple is ripe.I do not go to school on Sundays.This woman is a typist. She works at an office. The office is not far from her house.His father is an engineer. He works at a plant.Where is the table? — It is in the corner of the room, near the window.Are there any flowers in the vase?She lives on the fifth floor.Where is the cheese? — The cheese is on a plate.There are plates and cups on the tea-table.Is there a tea-pot on the table? Is there any tea in the tea-pot?
17 Апр в 11:04
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