Продолжите диалог в логическом порядке 1. Good. Would you like some water or coffee before we begin? 2. It's my pleasure, thanks so much for meeting with me. 3. Of course, did you have any trouble finding the office? 4. Hello, Ms Smith, I'm Tom Kelly. Thanks so much for coming in. 5. All right. So, to get started, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself? 6. I'm okay, thank you. 7. No. The directions on the website were great.
1. Hello, Ms. Smith, I'm Tom Kelly. Thanks so much for coming in.
2. It's my pleasure, thanks so much for meeting with me.
3. Of course, did you have any trouble finding the office?
4. No. The directions on the website were great.
5. Good. Would you like some water or coffee before we begin?
6. I'm okay, thank you.
7. All right. So, to get started, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?