Исправте ошибки если есть и перевидите They have had to many drinks and are singing now. She speaks English well. Everyone was working hard to customers. She is painting now. I celebrate my birthday with my friends in summer. I am coming. He reached the sea and saw that the sea and saw that the last ship of Britons was raising anchop.
They have had too many drinks and are singing now. - Они выпили слишком много и сейчас поют.
Everyone was working hard to customers. - Каждый был очень старательным к клиентам.
He reached the sea and saw that the last ship of Britons was raising anchor. - Он добрался до моря и увидел, что последний корабль британцев поднимает якорь.
They have had too many drinks and are singing now. - Они выпили слишком много и сейчас поют.
Everyone was working hard to customers. - Каждый был очень старательным к клиентам.
He reached the sea and saw that the last ship of Britons was raising anchor. - Он добрался до моря и увидел, что последний корабль британцев поднимает якорь.