Fixed expressions. All of… sudden; as … result; in… demand; to tell … truth; to be at … loss; once … week; from …head to … foot; as … matter of fact; in … loud voice; at …first sight; …day before yesterday; after … lunch; two times … day; in…fact; to have … good time; to play… violin; in… conclusion; at…time; to be in…hurry; from …time to …time; by…mistake; …other day; at…sunset; to watch…TV; to listen to … radio; to be in…bed; for… example; to tell … time; by… bicycle; to take …seat

20 Ноя 2021 в 19:40
67 +1

All of a sudden
As a result
In high demand
To tell the truth
To be at a loss
Once a week
From head to foot
As a matter of fact
In a loud voice
At first sight
The day before yesterday
After lunch
Two times a day
In fact
To have a good time
To play the violin
In conclusion
At the time
To be in a hurry
From time to time
By mistake
The other day
At sunset
To watch TV
To listen to the radio
To be in bed
For example
To tell the time
By bicycle
To take a seat

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