Task 1. Use or article.1. … Pacific ocean is … biggest ocean in … world. 2. … D.Defoe was … famous English writer of … 18th century. 3. … Browns moved abroad two years ago. 4. My uncle is … lawyer. 5. … Volga is … longest river in Russia. 1. They ……. it today. a) did b) do c) have done 2. Listen! My sister ……. the piano. a) plays b) is playing c) play 3. He ……. the test yet. a) haven’t write b) hasn’t written c) didn’t write 4. ……. you ……. an apple pie tomorrow? a) Will … cook b) Did … cook c) Do … cook 5. My friends ……. the Zoological Society three months ago. a) joined b) have joined c) will join

12 Дек 2021 в 19:44
118 +1

The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the world.

Daniel Defoe was a famous English writer of the 18th century.

The Browns moved abroad two years ago.

My uncle is a lawyer.

The Volga is the longest river in Russia.

They do it today.

Listen! My sister is playing the piano.

He hasn’t written the test yet.

Will you cook an apple pie tomorrow?

My friends joined the Zoological Society three months ago.

16 Апр в 20:24
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