3. Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий в нужной форме: 1. I can’t remember … him before (to see). 2. The machine needs … (to clean). 3. She is angry at … for (to send). 4. You should avoid … rules (to break). 5. She entered the office without … (to notice). 6. I am sorry for … you (to disturb). 7. We can’t excuse their not … our invitation (to answer). 8. The cat was punished for … the cup (to break) 9. The cat was afraid of … and hid itself under the sofa. (to punish). 10. After … through and … the student’s papers, the teacher handed them back. (to look),(to mark).

14 Дек 2021 в 19:40
75 +1
I can’t remember seeing him before.The machine needs cleaning.She is angry at me for sending.You should avoid breaking rules.She entered the office without noticing.I am sorry for disturbing you.We can’t excuse their not answering our invitation.The cat was punished for breaking the cup.The cat was afraid of punishment and hid itself under the sofa.After looking through and marking the student’s papers, the teacher handed them back.
16 Апр в 20:16
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