14 Дек 2021 в 19:42
78 +1

Our class safety rules are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all students and teachers in the classroom. These rules are important to follow in order to prevent accidents and injuries, and to create a positive and productive learning environment.

Always listen to the teacher: It is important to listen to the teacher and follow their instructions in order to avoid any potential accidents or misunderstandings.

Keep hands and feet to yourself: It is important to respect personal space and avoid any physical contact with others in the classroom.

Use classroom materials properly: It is important to use classroom materials, such as scissors, glue, and markers, in a safe and responsible manner to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Walk, don't run: It is important to walk calmly and carefully in the classroom to avoid any unnecessary accidents or injuries.

Keep your area clean and organized: It is important to keep your desk and surrounding area clean and organized to prevent any tripping hazards or accidents.

Follow emergency procedures: In the event of an emergency, such as a fire drill or lockdown, it is important to follow the teacher's instructions and evacuate the classroom in an orderly and timely manner.

Respect others: It is important to respect the opinions, feelings, and personal space of others in the classroom in order to create a positive and inclusive learning environment.

By following these class safety rules, we can ensure that everyone in the classroom remains safe and focused on their learning. Let's work together to create a safe and positive classroom environment for all!

16 Апр в 20:15
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