Fill in the gaps with much, many, (a) few, (a) little, some, any, no: 2. He hasn’t got … money. 2. How … information was he able to give you? 3. She made … sandwiches. 4. There were too … people at the party. 5. She’ve got only … dollars. 6. How … letters did you write? 7. I had very … friends at school. 8. Last week we translated … articles in this newspaper. 9. My mother boght … vegetables yesterday. 10. My teacher asked me … questions on the last lesson.

14 Дек 2021 в 19:44
262 +1
He hasn’t got any money.How much information was he able to give you?She made some sandwiches.There were too many people at the party.She’ve got only a few dollars.How many letters did you write?I had very few friends at school.Last week we translated some articles in this newspaper.My mother bought some vegetables yesterday.My teacher asked me a few questions on the last lesson.
16 Апр в 20:13
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