Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо 1. Have you any slings and net … board? 2. We must leave … the port … Sunday, but that depends … the weather conditions. 3. Who will speak … behalf … the company? 4. Tell your men not to discharge those bags … hooks, 5. Is there any difference ships of the «Ladoga» «Volgo- Balt» types? 6. We were il this port … last week. 7. Let us discuss the order … loading … details, 8. The ship's compartments are … every respect

13 Янв 2022 в 19:41
109 +1
Have you any slings and net on board?We must leave from the port on Sunday, but that depends on the weather conditions.Who will speak on behalf of the company?Tell your men not to discharge those bags with hooks.Is there any difference between ships of the «Ladoga» and «Volgo-Balt» types?We were in this port last week.Let us discuss the order of loading in details.The ship's compartments are in every respect.
16 Апр в 19:49
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