1 Use articles before the names of continents, countries, regions and cities. 1 Use articles before the names of continents, countries, regions and cities. 1. … Antarctica is the driest and coldest place on the Earth. 2. … Arctic is the area around _ North Pole. 3. … Roman Empire stretched from … Western Europe to Middle East. 4. Manyimmigrants to . US are from _ Asia, _ Caribbean, Latir America. 5. Lake District is a unique place in … northern England. 6. It was their real desire to become farmers in _ Midwest. 7. Jean was never to forget her first sight of _ Switzerland. 8. Some of my friends spent last summer in … UK, which was wonderful. 9. The doctor advised me to spend August in _ Crimea. 10. … Hague isn't the capital of Netherlands. 11. The flight to Washington will take eleven hours. 12. Our choir visited Vatican several years ago.
AntarcticaArcticRoman Empirethe US, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin Americathe Lake Districtthe MidwestSwitzerlandthe UKCrimeaThe HagueWashingtonthe Vatican