Д/з по английскому языку Complete the following rules using should and shouldn’t. 1. arrive on time → 2. prepare questions before the interview → 3. eat sweets in the interview → 4. drink a lot of coffee before the interview → 5. wear professional clothes → 6. talk for too long when answering questions → 7. listen carefully to the questions → 8. ask them to repeat the question if needed → 9. research the company → 10. practise answering questions →
arrive on time → shouldprepare questions before the interview → shouldeat sweets in the interview → shouldn'tdrink a lot of coffee before the interview → shouldn'twear professional clothes → shouldtalk for too long when answering questions → shouldn'tlisten carefully to the questions → shouldask them to repeat the question if needed → shouldresearch the company → shouldpractise answering questions → should