Выполните задания по тексту Answer the following questions:
What are the four sources of English law?
2 Which of them is the basic one?
3 What is the nature of different court decisions?
4 Do English lawyers have to refer to case law or statute law?
5 What is hierarchy of English courts?
6 How are the two divisions of the Court of Appeal interrelated?

26 Июн в 19:40
12 +1

1 The four sources of English law are case law, statute law, European law, and common law.
2 The basic source of English law is common law.
3 The nature of different court decisions can vary, but they are generally binding on lower courts.
4 English lawyers have to refer to both case law and statute law.
5 The hierarchy of English courts starts with the Supreme Court, followed by the Court of Appeal, High Court, Crown Court, and then Magistrates' Court.
6 The two divisions of the Court of Appeal are interrelated in that decisions from one division can be appealed to the other division.

26 Июн в 19:41
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