Решите задание по Английскому indefinite
Exercise 18 a. Choose the right words from the list, read and trans. late the sentences:
event, winding-up, sale, share, lists, guarantee
1 In the .
...of the public limited company being wound up he was to pay the sum of Im dollars.
In companies limited by ... each member undertakes to pay a cer tain amount in case of the ... of the company.
Under the 1985 Act companies limited by guarantee and having ... capital are classed as public companies.
4 The shares of public limited companies are freely transferable b ... on the Stock Exchange.
5 Their shares are quoted on the Stock Exchange

27 Июн в 19:40
16 +1

In the event of the public limited company being wound up he was to pay the sum of 1m dollars.

guarantee, winding-up
In companies limited by guarantee each member undertakes to pay a certain amount in case of the winding-up of the company.

share, no capital
Under the 1985 Act companies limited by guarantee and having no capital are classed as public companies.

The shares of public limited companies are freely transferable by sale on the Stock Exchange.

Their shares are quoted on the Stock Exchange.

27 Июн в 19:41
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