Заполните пропуски артиклями a/an/the. Поставьте прочерк там, где артикль не требуется. a) Please watch ….. cabin attendant as she demonstrates ….. use of ….. oxygen mask. b) Paul spent ….. half of his life in ….. Far East. c) You have to use at ….. least ….. pint and ….. half of milk. d) Dick has ... sore throat and is taking ... medicine. e) We arranged …. accommodation on ….. outskirts of ….. city. f) There is …. very difficult crossword in …. Times. g) Could you give me …. information I asked for in …. letter I sent you. h) I bought …..jewellery for my sister but it wasn’t …. kind she likes. i) I always wanted to be …. astronaut but …. ambition wore off. j) And …. last of all, don’t forget to put …. cat out for …. night.

28 Мая 2019 в 19:42
246 +1

a) Please watch the cabin attendant as she demonstrates the use of the oxygen mask
b) Paul spent half of his life in the Far East
c) You have to use at least a pint and a half of milk
d) Dick has a sore throat and is taking medicine
e) We arranged accommodation on the outskirts of the city
f) There is a very difficult crossword in the Times
g) Could you give me the information I asked for in the letter I sent you
h) I bought jewellery for my sister but it wasn’t the kind she likes
i) I always wanted to be an astronaut but the ambition wore off
j) And last of all, don’t forget to put the cat out for the night.

21 Апр в 02:22
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