Переведите предложения: 1) Бернард Шоу был награжден Нобелевской премией в 1925 году. 2) Сомерсет Моэм – выдающийся писатель коротких историй, в которых описана жизнь его современников 3) Джером Кей Джером прославился своей замечательной комедией «Трое в лодке» 4) Книга «Робинзон Крузо» была написана Даниэлем Дефо. Сюжет основан на реальном приключении матроса, оставленном на острове. 5) Шекспир написал 37 пьес, но только 18 из них было опубликовано при его жизни. 6) Артур Конан Дойл родился в Шотландии. К 28 годам была опубликована его первая книга. 7) Джейн Остин одна из наиболее прославленных английский романисток. 8) Гоголь известен своим романом «Мертвые души» и комедией «Ревизор».
1) Bernard Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1925. 2) Somerset Maugham is an outstanding writer of short stories that depict the lives of his contemporaries. 3) Jerome K. Jerome became famous for his wonderful comedy "Three Men in a Boat." 4) The book "Robinson Crusoe" was written by Daniel Defoe. The plot is based on the real adventures of a sailor stranded on an island. 5) Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, but only 18 of them were published during his lifetime. 6) Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland. His first book was published by the age of 28. 7) Jane Austen is one of the most celebrated English novelists. 8) Gogol is known for his novel "Dead Souls" and the comedy "The Government Inspector."
1) Bernard Shaw was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1925.
2) Somerset Maugham is an outstanding writer of short stories that depict the lives of his contemporaries.
3) Jerome K. Jerome became famous for his wonderful comedy "Three Men in a Boat."
4) The book "Robinson Crusoe" was written by Daniel Defoe. The plot is based on the real adventures of a sailor stranded on an island.
5) Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, but only 18 of them were published during his lifetime.
6) Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland. His first book was published by the age of 28.
7) Jane Austen is one of the most celebrated English novelists.
8) Gogol is known for his novel "Dead Souls" and the comedy "The Government Inspector."