1. Найдите правильную степень сравнения прилагательного:
TheAmazonis … thantheMississippi.
A) Long
B) The longest
C) Longerest
D) Longer
E) More longer
2. Найдите правильный перевод предложения: Этот вопрос обсуждался, когда я вошел в комнату.
A) This question was discussing when I entered the room.
B) This question was been discussing when I entered the room.
C) This question was discussed when I entered the room.
D) This question was being discussed when I entered the room.
E) This question had been discussed when I entered the room.
3. Закончите фразу переводом на английский язык: Billcan’tplaytheflute. Джон тоже.
A) Neither can John
B) Neither was John
C) John can’t too
D) John too
E) Neither did John
4.Найдите предложение, в котором нарушен порядок слов.
A) Our friends are businessmen.
B) They have two cats and three dogs.
C) She came from China yesterday.
D) At the factory my father works.
E) I’m watching TV now.
5. A new remedy to cure the flu ___ recently.
A) discovered
B) has been discovered
C) was discovered
D) is discovered
E) were discovered
6. London ___ by millions of tourists last summer.
A) was visited
B) is visited
C) is being visited
D) was being visited
E) visited
7. Formally the head of Australia is …
A) President
B) Prime Minister
C) Queen of Great Britain
D) Vice-President
E) Princess
8. Australia’s western coast is washed by the … ocean.
A) Atlantic
B) Indian
C) Caribbean
D) Pacific
E) Arctic
9. Australia has an area of nearly … million square km.
A) Ten
B) Eight
C) Nine
D) Eleven
E) Seven
10. The longest river in Australia is … .
A) The Murray River
B) The Mackenzie River
C) The Columbia River
D) The Nile River
E) The Darling River
11. The population of Australia is over … million people.
A) 30
B) 25
C) 20
D) 80
E) 55
12. Australia consists of … states and … territories.
A) 6 and 2
B) 10 and 3
C) 7 and 2
D) 2 and 6
E) 10 and 8
13. Выберите правильный фразовый глагол: The teacher told us to … the blackboard.
A) Look
B) Look for
C) Look after
D) Look at
E) Look up
14.Выберите правильный вариант предлога:
He generally gets up at 7o’clock … the morning.
A) By
B) In
C) Of
D) On
E) At
15.Найдите имя прилагательное:
A) Eighteen
B) Badly
C) Peaceful
D) Traveler
E) Enjoy
16. Выберите верное местоимение: … say he is a good teacher.
A) It
B) He
C) She
D) Them
E) They
17. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения:Ihaven’tdone …
A) Some
B) Something
C) Nothing
D) No
E) Anything
18. You’ve been reading all day. You ___ be tired.
A) can
B) could
C) must
D) should
E) haveto
19.Дополните предложение существительным в притяжательном падеже:
Thisismy … coat.
A) Wives
B) Wifes’s
C) Wife’s
D) Wifes’
E) wife
20.What аге the highest mountains in the USA?
А) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains;
В) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Siеrrа Nevada;
С) The Cordillera, the Appalachian Mountains and the Siеrrа Nevada;
D) The Appalachian Mountains, the Siеrrа Nevada and the Rocky Mountains;
Е) The Siеrrа Nevada Mountains.
21.Тhе first inhabitants of North America were ... .
А) Dutch and Indians;
В) Indians and Eskimos;
С) Indians and Spanish
D) Indians and Englishmen;
Е) Africans.
22. Be quiet. The baby ___ .
A) sleeps
B) is sleeping
C) sleep
D) are sleeping
E) am sleeping

11 Июн 2019 в 19:47
458 +1
The United States of America is … in size.
A) Second
B) The second
C) The bigger
D) Bigger
E) The biggest Укажите верное утверждение: Река Амазонка находится в ...
A) Южной Америке
B) Северной Америке
C) Африке
D) Азии
E) Европе
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