Заполнить пропуски артиклями,где необходимо: 1 I am ... engineer of Avtoexport. 2 Avtoexport. does business with ... lot of ... countries. 3 We sell cars,trucks and other machines to different countrics of ... world. 4 Our office is on ... fifth floor. 5 It is ... large room with three windows in it. 6 There are ... seven desks in office with ... telephone on every desk. 7 You can also see four book-cases in our room. There are ... lot of ... letters, ... catalogues and Journals in them. 8 Many foreign businessmen come to ... our office every day. But we do not receive them in this room. There is another room for it. 9 Our engineer discuss ... pricess, ... terms of payment and delivery and ... lot of other questions with them. All our engineer know one or two foreign languages and they can have talks with foreign businessmen in languages.

25 Июн 2019 в 19:40
211 +1

1) I am an engineer of Avtoexport.
2) Avtoexport does business with a lot of countries.
3) We sell cars, trucks, and other machines to different countries of the world.
4) Our office is on the fifth floor.
5) It is a large room with three windows in it.
6) There are seven desks in the office with a telephone on every desk.
7) You can also see four bookcases in our room. There are a lot of letters, catalogues, and journals in them.
8) Many foreign businessmen come to our office every day. But we do not receive them in this room. There is another room for it.
9) Our engineers discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery, and a lot of other questions with them. All our engineers know one or two foreign languages and they can have talks with foreign businessmen in languages.

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