Task 2. Choose the right answer and translate into Russian
The news programme (is watched / watched) by millions of people every day
The Mona Liza (painted / was painted) by Leonardo da Vinchi
The new cinema (be built / will be built) next year
New pop groups (are much spoken / is much spoken) about among teenagers
Alexander Pushkin’s first poem (was written / written) when he was fourteen
The letters (be sent / will be sent) by post tomorrow
The translation (was finished / were finished) two hours ago
London (visited / is visited) by hundreds of tourists every year
The dinner (be / will be) ready in an hour (через час)
The book (wrote/was written) by Hardy
The house (bought/was bought) by pop star
Local police (have been arrested/have arrested) the bank robber
I (arrived/was arrived) last Friday
The room (will clean/will be cleaned) later
Tom (has lost/has been lost) his key
Task 3. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present, Past или Future Simple Passive
Tom always (to ask) at the lessons
I (to ask) at the last lesson
Our country house (to finish) next year
The dog (to find) by my sister yesterday
This work (to do) tomorrow
This text (to translate) at the last lesson
These trees (to plant) every autumn
Many interesting games always (to play) at our P.E. lessons
This bone (to give) to my dog tomorrow
We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday
Task 4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form
I can’t give you these articles. They (translate) now
The letter (not write) tomorrow
English (speak) all over the world
She showed me the picture that (paint) by her husband
My dress is clean now. It (wash)
All the questions on the paper must (answer)
These houses (build) in 1500
Rugby (play
since 1845
My house (paint) the whole day yesterday
This film (discuss) at the next lesson
It was very dark. Nothing could (see)
Wait a little! Your question (receive) by next Sunday
The UK (wash) by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

28 Июн 2019 в 19:40
2 323 +1

Task 2. Выберите правильный ответ и переведите на русский
The news programme is watched. - Новостная программа смотрится
The Mona Liza was painted by Leonardo da Vinchi. - Мона Лиза была написана Леонардо да Винчи
The new cinema will be built. - Новое кино будет строиться
New pop groups are much spoken about among teenagers. - Новые поп-группы много говорятся среди подростков
Alexander Pushkin’s first poem was written when he was fourteen. - Первое стихотворение Александра Пушкина было написано, когда ему было четырнадцать
The letters will be sent by post tomorrow. - Письма будут отправлены по почте завтра
The translation was finished two hours ago. - Перевод был закончен два часа назад
London is visited by hundreds of tourists every year. - Лондон посещается сотнями туристов каждый год
The dinner will be ready in an hour. - Ужин будет готов через час
The book was written by Hardy. - Книга была написана Харди
The house was bought by a pop star. - Дом был куплен поп-звездой
Local police have arrested the bank robber. - Местная полиция арестовала банковского грабителя
I arrived last Friday. - Я прибыл в прошлую пятницу
The room will be cleaned later. - Комната будет убрана позже
Tom has lost his key. - Тому потерял ключ.

Task 3. Откройте скобки, используя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive
Tom is always asked at the lessons. - Тома всегда спрашивают на уроках
I was asked at the last lesson. - Меня спрашивали на прошлом уроке
Our country house will be finished next year. - Наш загородный дом будет закончен в следующем году
The dog was found by my sister yesterday. - Собака была найдена моей сестрой вчера
This work will be done tomorrow. - Эта работа будет выполнена завтра
This text was translated at the last lesson. - Этот текст был переведен на прошлом уроке
These trees are planted every autumn. - Эти деревья сажаются каждую осень
Many interesting games are always played at our P.E. lessons. - Много интересных игр всегда играются на наших уроках физкультуры
This bone will be given to my dog tomorrow. - Эта кость будет дана моей собаке завтра
We were invited to a concert last Saturday. - Нас пригласили на концерт в прошлую субботу.

Task 4. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную пассивную форму
I can’t give you these articles. They are being translated now. - Я не могу дать вам эти статьи. Они сейчас переводятся
The letter will not be written tomorrow. - Письмо не будет написано завтра
English is spoken all over the world. - Английский язык говорят по всему миру
She showed me the picture that was painted by her husband. - Она показала мне картину, которую нарисовал ее муж
My dress is clean now. It has been washed. - Мое платье теперь чистое. Оно было выстирано
All the questions on the paper must be answered. - На все вопросы на бумаге должны быть даны ответы
These houses were built in 1500. - Эти дома были построены в 1500 году
Rugby has been played since 1845. - Регби играют с 1845 года
My house was painted the whole day yesterday. - Мой дом красили весь день вчера
This film will be discussed at the next lesson. - Этот фильм будет обсужден на следующем уроке
It was very dark. Nothing could be seen. - Было очень темно. Ничего не было видно
Wait a little! Your question will be received by next Sunday. - Подожди немного! Твой вопрос будет получен к следующему воскресенью
The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. - Соединенное Королевство омывается Атлантическим океаном и Северным морем.

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