There are many kinds of shops catering for needs of the population You can go shopping...
There are many kinds of shops catering for needs of the population You can go shopping to small food stores: the grocery store, liquor store, store of dairy products, butcher's, bakery, greengrocer's, fish monger's, confectionery, candy store. But I prefer to shop in large stores - supermarkets. Supermarkets sell more than just food. Many sell items for the car, household goods, cosmetics and cigarettes. Some even sell books, medicines and flow- ers. A large modern supermarket has been opened recently not far from my block of flats and most often I go shopping there. I am its regular customer now. When you come into the supermarket, you have to take a food bas- ket or a shopping cart to put all the products you buy. All the necessary foodstuffs can be bought here: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baked items, sweets, cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegeta- bles and fruit.
In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, veal, There is always a rich choice of fish there: live carp, pike, bream and other like pike-perch and sturgeon.There is herring, kipper and much poultry and game. eat fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and sorm tinned fish too In the grocery aisle you can see all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, sem lina, rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. You can buy cooking soda spices, flour, pea, potato flour, salt, oil, macaroni, vermicelli, noo- dles and some other products. Everything is sold in ready packets. You go to the dairy counter to buy milk products. There is always a wide choice of them: milk in bottles and packets, cream, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, cream cheese, many kinds of yogurt, mayonnaise, margarine and butter. Most often eggs are sold in the dairy department too At the bread counter you take loaves of brown (rye) or white (wheat) bread, rusks, rolls and buns There is a big choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolate, biscuits, pastry am puffs, fancy cakes, tarts, fruit cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee, cocoa. Next to it is the delicatessen counter (deli) which offers you all kinds of sausages: boiled, half-smoked and smoked, liver paste, ham lean boiled pork with spices (buzhenina), tinned beef and pork The green grocery and fruit aisles look very attracting. Here you can buy fresh, tinned and dried vegetables, fruit and greens. Juicy peans, apples, plums, grapes, oranges, tangerines, bananas, lemons and pineapples are sold in every season. In spring and summer the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries. In autumn and winter - red bilberries and cranberries and all year round you can have fruit and berry jams After buying all the necessary products, you come up to the cash- er's desk to pay the money. Sometimes there are a lot of customers in the shop and you have to get in line, but most often it doesn't take much time. If you are a smart shopper, you compare prices, pick out foodstuffs, aiways look at the date on the labels of perishable foods, check the change and look for bargains. As the English say, "A penny saved is a penny earned."
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5 Июл 2019 в 11:45
513 +1

There are many kinds of shops catering for the needs of the population. You can go shopping at small food stores such as the grocery store, liquor store, dairy products store, butcher's, bakery, greengrocer's, fish monger's, and confectionery store. However, I prefer to shop at large stores - supermarkets. Supermarkets sell more than just food. Many sell items for the car, household goods, cosmetics, and cigarettes. Some even sell books, medicines, and flowers. A large modern supermarket has recently been opened not far from my block of flats, and I often go shopping there. I am now a regular customer.

When you enter the supermarket, you have to take a food basket or a shopping cart to put all the products you buy. All the necessary foodstuffs can be bought here: meat, fish, milk, groceries, baked items, sweets, cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables, and fruit. In the meat aisle, customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, veal, poultry, and game. There is always a rich choice of fish, such as live carp, pike, bream, pike-perch, sturgeon, herring, kipper, and much more. There is also a variety of fresh-frozen fish and tinned fish. In the grocery aisle, you can find all kinds of cereals, cooking soda, spices, flour, pasta, oil, and other products sold in ready packets.

The dairy counter offers a wide choice of milk products, such as milk, cream, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, margarine, butter, and eggs. The bread counter has loaves of brown and white bread, rusks, rolls, and buns. The confectionery department sells sugar, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, pastries, wafers, marmalade, tea, coffee, and cocoa. The delicatessen counter offers sausages, liver paste, ham, tinned beef, and pork.

The green grocery and fruit aisles offer fresh, tinned, and dried vegetables, fruits, and greens. Berries, such as strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries, and bilberries, are available in different seasons. After buying all the necessary products, you go to the cashier's desk to pay. If you are a smart shopper, you compare prices, pick out foodstuffs, always check the dates on perishable foods, verify the change, and look for bargains. As the English say, "A penny saved is a penny earned."

21 Апр в 00:03
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