Упр.2 . Замените данные словосочетания существительными в притяжательном падеже: 1. the title of the book 2. the economy of the country 3. the decision of the government 4. the work of the boy 5. the holiday of three weeks 6. the wedding of Tom and Jane 7. the toys of the children 8. the bedroom of my sisters 9. the house of my brother-in-law 10. the hobby of my wife 11. the car of the Millers 12. the photo of her boyfriend 13. the newspaper of last Saturday 14. the umbrella of Professor Jones.
the book's title the country's economy the government's decision the boy's work three weeks' holiday Tom and Jane's wedding the children's toys my sisters' bedroom my brother-in-law's house my wife's hobby the Millers' car her boyfriend's photo last Saturday's newspaper Professor Jones's umbrella