Put the verbs in brackets into Present S., Present Cont. or the Future tense. Hello, Gary. Where 1) are you going (you/go)? To the sports centre. I've got a football training n. Our team 2) … (go) to France next week. We 3) … (leave) on Wednesday. Oh, that 4) … (be) great! How 5) … (you/get) there? We 6) … (travel) on the ferry. It 7) … (leave) at 5 in the morning. How long 8) … (you/stay) in France? About a week. We 9) ... (play) four matches. The first one 10 ) (start) at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, and the last one 11) … (finish) at 5 o'clock following Tuesday. Do you think you 12) … (win)?

26 Июл 2019 в 19:40
434 +1

Hello, Gary. Where are you going? To the sports centre. I've got a football training n. Our team is going to France next week. We are leaving on Wednesday. Oh, that will be great! How are you getting there? We will travel on the ferry. It leaves at 5 in the morning. How long will you stay in France? About a week. We will play four matches. The first one starts at 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, and the last one finishes at 5 o'clock following Tuesday. Do you think you will win?

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