1. Supply the correct article where necessary. 1. I don’t usually like staying at … hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at … very nice hotel by … sea.2. … government without … strong leader will not produce … good policies.3. It isn’t easy, but I think we’re making … progress.4. Make … love, not … war.5. «No, I’ve heard … stories about … Englishmen, … Irishmen and … Scotsmen before and they are all … same.»6. … temperature varies with … pressure.7. … English of … 14th century differs from … Modern English.8. … London train was on … point of … departure. It was yet … early morning, … hour of … milkmen and … postmen. … station had … chill, unused, deserted look; … passengers were few. 9. It’s _ novel our teacher mentioned at … last lesson.10. … Language is means of … communication.

29 Июл 2019 в 08:17
481 +1
I don’t usually like staying at hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at very nice hotel by **sea.government without strong leader will not produce **good policies.It isn’t easy, but I think we’re making **progress.Make love, not war.«No, I’ve heard stories about Englishmen, Irishmen and Scotsmen before and they are all **same.»temperature varies with pressure.English of 14th century differs from **Modern English.London train was on point of departure. It was yet early morning, hour of milkmen and postmen. station had chill, unused, deserted look; passengers were few.It’s novel our teacher mentioned at last lesson.Language is means of **communication.
20 Апр в 15:24
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