Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя -„s, -s‟, -„ 1. We met at Mr. Harris house. 2. I need Bess phone number. 3. My sister husband is a broker. 4. We‟ll have a children party next week. 5. I‟ll spend the weekend at my friends house. 6.They need a month time to finish the project. 7. This is a woman shop. 8. She works in a girls school. 9. Columbus discovery of America was a historic event. 10. Do you remember Pithagoras Theorem. 11. “Alice Adventures in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll. 12. From the radio came Elvis song. 13. My brother is now reading “Gulliver Travels”. 14. It‟s teenagers style. 15. I work at Mr. Phillips office. Замените предложения с предлогом of на существительные в притяжательном падеже.1. The advice of my parents. 2. The games of her son. 3. The marks of his children.4. A fax from Felix. 5. A novel by Akunin. 6. The life of students. 7. A school for boys.8. A magazine for women. 9. A club for men. 10. The climate of England. 11. The surface of the moon.12. The history of the world. 13. A holiday for two weeks. 14. The news of today. 15. The problem of the country.

30 Июл 2019 в 19:41
272 +1

Mr. Harris's house

Bess's phone number

My sister's husband

children's party

my friend's house

a month's time

woman's shop

girls' school

Columbus's discovery of America

Pythagoras's Theorem

Lewis Carroll's "Alice Adventures in Wonderland"

Elvis's song

"Gulliver's Travels"

teenagers' style

Mr. Phillips's office

my parents' advice

her son's games

his children's marks

Felix's fax

Akunin's novel

students' life

boys' school

women's magazine

men's club

England's climate

moon's surface

world's history

two weeks' holiday

today's news

country's problem

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