14. Fill in the appropriate possessive pronoun. 1. Tell me, isn’t that … girl-friend over there? Oh, no, she isn’t … friend, she is … 2. Don’t take this book. It is not … book, it is … . 3. Have you got a pencil? Kate has got no pencil to write with. Give her … . 4. Tell him not to forget … tickets, ask Helen not to forget … either. 5. Take … English magazines and give me … . 6. Look at the cat, … coat is so thick. 7. Isn’t that … composition? Yes, it is …. 8. Don’t come, … sister is ill. 9. Don’t touch … face. 10. … answers are good.

30 Июл 2019 в 19:41
435 +1
Tell me, isn’t that her girl-friend over there? Oh, no, she isn’t my friend, she is hers.Don’t take this book. It is not my book, it is yours.Have you got a pencil? Kate has got no pencil to write with. Give her mine.Tell him not to forget his tickets, ask Helen not to forget hers either.Take my English magazines and give me yours.Look at the cat, its coat is so thick.Isn’t that your composition? Yes, it is mine.Don’t come, my sister is ill.Don’t touch my face.My answers are good.
20 Апр в 15:22
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